Laser Hair Removal, Medical Conditions | 1 September 2020
Is it safe to laser over a C-section scar?
It is safe to laser over a C-section scar but only if it has completely healed. It may take a number of months for this...

Facial Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal, Medical Conditions | 31 August 2020
Facial Hair And How Best To Remove It
Facial hair growth is a normal genetic factor that starts to develop in adolescence. During teenage years and into your...

Laser Hair Removal, Medical Conditions | 24 August 2020
Can I have laser if I have Psoriasis?
Laser treatment will depend on the severity of your psoriasis. For mild cases where ongoing medication is not required...

After Laser Treatment, Laser Hair Removal | 20 August 2020
Can I go swimming after laser hair removal?
No, please avoid swimming directly after laser hair removal. Your skin will remain sensitive for 24-48 hours after...

Hair Types, Laser Hair Removal | 20 August 2020
Can laser hair removal work on light hair?
Laser hair removal will work on light hairs that contain dark pigment. This treatment has no effect on light hairs that...

Laser Hair Removal | 20 August 2020
Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
No, results from laser hair removal are not 100% completely permanent. You will not achieve a complete reduction in...