Can laser hair removal work on light hair?
Laser hair removal will work on light hairs that contain dark pigment. This treatment has no effect on light hairs that are blonde, red, grey or white in colour. These hairs don’t contain enough pigment for the laser to absorb into.
Laser uses the dark pigment (melanin) as a target. The more melanin a hair contains the more heat it will absorb from the laser. When a laser is pulsed onto the skin light is absorbed into the hair shaft and heat is transferred into the follicle. Heat is directed down into the base of the follicle where it heats and disables the interconnecting cells that connect the small blood supply to the hair. This is a safe procedure and has been clinically trialed and tested by the FDA.

How does laser work on light hairs?
For laser to work on lighter hairs, higher intensities of laser must be used. Medical grade lasers allow us to use these high intensities in the safest possible way. We use Alexandrite (For pale skin) and ND:Yag (For Darker skin) lasers. These will target dark fine hairs using high settings without compromising the safety of your skin. Both lasers are safe regardless of your skin colour. Our lasers have advanced cooling systems that keep the skin’s temperature cool. All while delivering high doses of heat into the follicle.
Hair density will determine how effective treatment will be.

How many sessions of laser will I require for light hair?
It is possible to achieve great results with lighter hairs but it just may take a little longer to reach your desired result. Most people would need 8+ sessions to see results. Lighter hairs have less pigment so for this reason you may need more. We believe in being totally honest with you from the start. We will only recommend you start laser if we think your hairs will be dark enough to respond to treatment.
It is more difficult to achieve a reduction on lighter hairs because they lack pigment. Only lighter hairs that contain dark pigment will work with laser. White, blond, grey or red hairs will not respond to treatment. Laser hair removal can work on light hair but it may take more sessions. Results for this hair type cannot be guaranteed.
If you are unsure if your hair is suitable why not contact us to book a free laser consultation. We can assess your skin and hair and give you honest advice about treatment. Our dedicated team of hair removal specialists are on hand to answer any of your questions.