Can you have facial laser hair removal if you have a cold sore?
We recommend that you don’t have facial laser hair removal if you have a cold sore. If you’re having treatment on the facial area where the cold sore is located i.e. your lip, nose or chin, we would recommend waiting until the cold sore has cleared up before having another treatment.
Why can’t you have facial laser hair removal if you have a cold sore?
The main reason that having facial laser hair removal if you have a cold sore is not recommended is that Herpes Simplex can be stimulated by sunlight. As lasers use light, this may trigger the virus to become active. If you have a cold sore and have a treatment the light from the laser may cause this to spread. It’s safest to avoid the area until your skin has healed completely.
When is it ok to have laser hair removal if you have a cold sore?
If you are having treatment on a body area but have a cold sore on your face, you are fine to have a treatment as normal. Cold sores are contagious and can spread so it is essential that they are allowed to heal completely before having another session of laser.
How to prevent cold sores during your treatment course

A supplement called Lycine may also speed up the healing time of cold sores.
It’s important to note that you are absolutely fine to have laser hair removal if you susceptible to cold sores. We recommend you use a lip balm with SPF during your full course of treatment. This will help to prevent an outbreak especially during the summer months.
If you suffer from cold sores this does not prevent you having laser treatment on your face. Book your free consultation today and speak to one of our laser consultants if you need any more information.