Can you have laser on your bikini when using sanitary towels?
Yes, you can have a basic bikini line laser treatment if you are using a sanitary towel.
If having an extended bikini line treatment – i.e. Brazilian/Hollywood, we ask you use a tampon before your treatment. If you don’t use tampons, please call to reschedule your appointment until after your period.

When we are performing laser hair removal, our lasers use a cooling device that delivers a jet of cold air directly onto the skin. There may be fluid externally if you have your period and this would cause hygiene issues during treatment. We can safely and hygienically do a laser treatment on a basic bikini line when using sanitary towels. In this case, attend for your treatment as normal.
If you use sanitary towels during your period, you can use a tampon just before and then remove it directly after. If you are unable to use tampons for any reason it’s best to reschedule your treatment until after your period.
Please don’t be embarrassed to talk to us about this, being a dedicated hair removal clinic we deal with this issue every day. It’s completely normal and not something you need to worry about at all.
Our friendly team are on hand to speak to you about any queries you have regarding laser hair removal. If you would like more information about laser in general why not book a consultation to come and chat to us. Our consultations are free of charge and take approx 30 mins.
Laser can be a little daunting for some people so it’s nice to meet with our therapists and see our clinic before your start treatment. This will immediately put you at ease and make you more comfortable before beginning your course of treatment.