Before Laser Treatment | 20 November 2020
When is the best time to start laser hair removal?
The best time to start laser hair removal is after the summer months for most people. However this depends on your...

Before Laser Treatment, Laser Hair Removal, Uncategorised | 23 October 2020
How many sessions for laser hair removal?
6-10+ treatment sessions of laser hair removal treatment are needed initially with additional top-ups required to...

Before Laser Treatment, During laser treatment, Laser Hair Removal | 23 May 2020
Should I get laser hair removal or a tattoo first?
If you are thinking about getting a tattoo in an area where you would like your hair removed, we would recommend...

Before Laser Treatment, Laser Hair Removal | 14 May 2020
Is it safe to have laser hair removal if you have a tattoo?
Yes, it is safe to have laser hair removal if you have a tattoo. However, it is unsafe to laser directly over your...