Laser Hair Removal | 13 May 2021
SPF and laser hair removal
As we all know too much sun exposure can affect our skin in a negative way. While we need some sun for Vitamin D we...

Laser Hair Removal | 3 May 2021
Laser hair removal on the bum
Laser hair removal is the perfect way to remove hair on the bum area. Both the buttocks and peri-anal areas are...

Laser Hair Removal, Medical Conditions | 2 April 2021
Hidradenitis suppurativa and laser hair removal
What is hidradenitis suppurativa? Hidradenitis supperativa is a skin condition that can cause painful abscesses to...

Laser Hair Removal | 23 March 2021
Had to take a break from your laser hair removal treatments due to Coronavirus?
If you have had to take a break from your laser hair removal treatments due to coronavirus here's what you can expect...

Laser Hair Removal, Medical Conditions | 11 March 2021
Pilonidal cysts and laser hair removal
What is a pilonidal cyst? A pilonidal cyst is a cyst that develops around the top of the tailbone area. A...

Laser Hair Removal | 3 March 2021
Is it safe to have laser hair removal on the nipple area?
Yes, it is safe to have laser hair removal on the nipple/areola area. During treatment the laser will target hairs on...