During laser treatment, Laser Hair Removal | 27 March 2020
Top tips to get the best from laser hair removal treatments
It's safe to say there is a little bit of preparation required for each of your laser treatments. Nonetheless, it's...

During laser treatment, Facial Hair Removal | 19 March 2020
Can you have facial laser hair removal if you have a cold sore?
We recommend that you don't have facial laser hair removal if you have a cold sore. If you're having treatment on the...

During laser treatment | 14 March 2020
Can you have laser hair removal on moles?
No, we would always avoid going over moles when having laser hair removal treatment. Why can't you have laser hair...

During laser treatment | 26 February 2020
Can dry skin cause issues when having laser?
Having very dry skin in your treatment area may cause issues during and after your laser hair removal treatment. As we...