How many sessions for laser hair removal?
6-10+ treatment sessions of laser hair removal treatment are needed initially with additional top-ups required to maintain results. After an initial course, 80-85% of unwanted hair growth will be reduced for most people. The remaining growth of 15-20% will be light in texture and these hairs will need to be maintained. There are hundreds of hair follicles all over your body. For laser to target each one of these with the correct temperature over 6-10 sessions would be impossible. Firstly, there is no exact way of knowing if hairs are in the correct hair growth cycle each time. And secondly, we do not know how much heat is being absorbed by each hair follicle. For these reasons, we cannot be exactly sure how many hairs have been targeted. How many sessions will be needed for comprehensive laser hair removal will depend on different factors.
Factors that influence how many sessions needed for laser hair removal
- Hair color (dark hair or fair)
- Hair Density
- Skin colour (light skin or not)
- Underlying health/hormonal issues
- Skin sensitivity
- Treatment intervals
See our quick and easy-to-read guide on how many sessions for laser hair removal

Why is a laser consultation important?
A consultation and patch test is the most important part of your treatment course. Your hair colour and hair density need to be checked before you start to make sure you’re a suitable candidate. In order to establish how many sessions you will need for laser hair removal we will need to see you for this assessment. Any underlying health/hormonal issues discussed so you fully understand how your results may vary. Due to these issues it’s important to give you realistic expectations so you know what to expect. Every aspect of laser is explained in detail so you understand the process. It’s also nice to see the surroundings so you feel relaxed and comfortable.
Why do I need a patch test?
A patch test is also essential. For the safety of your skin this must performed before you start. Laser can cause pigmentation if the wrong setting is selected so it is vital that you have a patch test. A patch test allows us to configure a setting that is tailored to your skin and hair type. It also allows for a higher setting to be used at the start of your course. Starting laser hair removal without a patch test is extremely risky for your skin. If a patch test is not performed before you start chances are that a very low setting is being used. If settings are kept low during your course this will affect your results. By doing a patch test first we can use much more effective settings from the start of your course.
In addition to this a patch test allows you to feel the sensation of the laser before you start. As a result you are much more comfortable coming in for your first treatment as you know how it feels.
What time frames are needed in between laser hair removal sessions for the face?
The time frames needed in between will be determined by the area of the body being treated. At the start of a coarse of treatment on the facial area treatments should be spaced 4-5 weeks apart. Treatments will stay at this interval for approximately 5-6 treatments. After this time frames may be extended to 6-8 weeks depending on the level of regrowth. The facial area may need more sessions as hairs are finer and lighter and their are more follicles present. In general, 6-10+ sessions are needed for the face. Factors like underlying medical or hormonal issues can affect the amount of sessions you will need.
What time frames are needed in between laser hair removal sessions for the body?
The time frame needed for the body is slightly longer at 6-8 weeks. Again treatments will stay at this interval for at least 5-6 treatments. These may change when results are assessed and extended to 8-10 weeks if needed after this. Body hair tends to be thicker and slightly darker than the face so in most cases is easier to treat. Due to this you may see results quicker on the body. In most cases, 6-10+ sessions are needed for the body. However, this does depend on the person and their individual circumstances.
Why you need to stick to these time frames
At the start of your course it’s important to stick to these intervals as much as possible. As hair grows in cycles these timeframes offer the ideal window of opportunity to target as many follicles are possible. For laser to work we have to catch the hair in an active growth stage. In this stage, the hair is attached to the blood supply and is actively growing. When heat from the laser is pulsed over the skin this heat is transferred down into the follicle. As a result of this the interconnecting cells that connect the hair root to the blood supply are disabled. This in turn will prevent a new hair growing.
Laser hair removal can take time, but it’s worth it
Laser hair removal is more like a marathon than a sprint when compared with other hair removal methods. It takes time and treatments can’t be rushed. If treatments are cut short and not enough energy is used your results will suffer. Without doubt, laser hair removal is worth all the time and effort needed. You will start to see a reduction from your very first treatment. And after every session you will see hair reduce taking you one step closer to smooth skin. Issues like shaving rash, ingrown hairs and irritation will also improve quickly. Leaving you with smooth, soft skin.
Get started with us today
Our dedicated hair removal experts only perform laser hair removal. Therapists are fully trained to use the full range of settings on our lasers. We have used Cynosure lasers for the last 10+ years and know exactly what’s needed to get results. Contact us today to book a free consultation and patch test in Dublin or Drogheda.