Is laser hair removal more painful before your period is due?
Yes, laser hair removal can be more painful before your period is due. Some women will experience very severe PMS leading up to their period and this can cause them to become very sensitive to pain. Over 90 % of women will experience some form of PMT. This can start anywhere from 5-11 days before your period is due. If you experience severe PMS we would always recommend scheduling your treatments the week after your period has finished. This will avoid you having to go through a potentially painful treatment.

Laser hair removal treatment can feel slightly uncomfortable at times so it is important that you feel OK on the day of your session. PMS symptoms like back pain, headaches, abdominal pain and bloating, hot sweats and fatigue just to name a few. We would not recommend adding a laser session into this mix as your body is going through enough as it is. As laser hair removal can be more painful before your period is due we would recommend booking your treatments around your cycle to make sure you are comfortable.
Our experienced hair removal specialists are on hand to answer any questions you may have. As laser requires a number of sessions it is important that you feel relaxed and assured throughout your course of treatment. Discomfort from laser should be minimal when undergoing treatment. You should feel a slight pinch during treatment but this should be completely bearable. Our dedicated hair removal experts only perform laser hair removal treatments. If you feel the need to take breaks during treatment or have the treatment performed slower they will go with a pace that is suitable for you.
If you would like to talk to one of our dedicated hair removal specialists about laser hair removal contact us today.