From A to Zero hair
First… Book your free consultation.
Our consultations are informative and friendly, we assess your skin and hair, chat through your medical history, all to ensure you are suitable and answer any questions you may have regarding treatment. Then we schedule your sessions to suit you, while also attaining the best possible results.
What to expect
Our promise is clarity, every step of the way. Book your free consultation or read more detail here. We’ll ensure there are no surprises and you can plan your treatment around your schedule.
Session One
See hair shed after 7-14 days
Session Two
Hair is slower to regrow
Session Three
Any regrowth becomes thinner and lighter
Session Four
May only need to shave once in 6 weeks
Gaps between sessions gradually increase
Session Five
Skin feels soft - follicles minimise
Session Six
Ingrown hairs and shaving rash have reduced.
Session Seven
Gaps between your sessions starts to increase
Session Eight +
Move onto maintenance sessions as recommended by your therapist
After assessing results with your therapist, we’ll likely recommend some top-up sessions 1-3 times a year.
What our Customers Say
“The staff at Urbana really know their stuff,. They’re courteous but professional, I relaxed knowing I was in good hands”
Niamh Murphy, Dublin - Google Review
“No words to describe how happy I am with the result of my Laser treatment. I am doing full-leg, underarm and bikini and the results are incredible. I would highly recommend it !!!!”
Sandra - What Clinic
“I really recommend it! The girls are amazing, very helpful, they answered to all my questions and doubts and made my first session very pleasant.”
Irene - What Clinic
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Certified, FDA Approved & Hygenic
All of our therapists are certified to use our state of the art, FDA approved, medical grade lasers. Our treatment areas adhere to a strict hygiene policy. We’re proud of our place and our service.
Pre-Treatment FAQS
Here's a few things your can do to ensure the best results for you treatment.
- Comfort during treatment
- Getting the best results
- Ingrown Hairs
- Medication and medical conditions
- Shaving, waxing & exfoliation during treatment
- Tanning, sun exposure and fake tan
- The Treatment Process
After Waxing
Before Waxing
Comfort during treatment
Can I exercise after laser hair removal sessions?
You should not perform any form of strenuous exercise after laser hair removal treatment for at least 24 hours. As laser works on the principle of using heat to destroy the hair follicles deep beneath the skin’s surface, an increase in the body’s natural temperature by exercising combined with sweat will cause an increase in irritation on the treatment area. This also applies to swimming where the chlorine in the water can cause irritation on the skin during the 24 hours after treatment. Read More
Do I have to cancel my laser hair removal session if I get my period?
Absolutely not, we would ask that you use a tampon if having your bikini area treated. You may be more sensitive but it is not necessary to cancel, it happens all the time and is not a problem. Read More
Getting the best results
Can Laser Hair Removal Work On Light Hair?
Laser hair removal will work on light hairs that contain dark pigment, laser has no effect on light hairs that are blond, red, grey or white in colour as they don’t contain enough pigment for the laser to absorb into. Read More
Do I need to avoid anything after my laser hair removal treatment?
Directly after any laser hair removal treatment your skin will be sensitive so please refrain from the following.
- Hot showers/baths, steam rooms, saunas, swimming pool and exercise for 24-48hrs
- Don’t exfoliate for 3-4 days and use light exfoliation methods (new bullet) Don’t use sun beds on the area or expose the area to direct sunlight at all while having laser
- Don’t use perfumed products or thick creams for 48hrs
- Don’t wear tight clothes like skinny jeans or nylon tights (if having your legs treated) for 48hrs as they will cause heat build up and friction on the area and may aggravate skin
- All of the above may cause skin to become irritated in the treated area, it is important that you follow these guidelines to ensure your skin safety.
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How do I exfoliate and how often during laser hair removal should I?
About 7 -10 days after your session the treated hair growth cycle will shed out of the follicle. We would recommend exfoliating using gentle to medium pressure on the skin as very rough and aggressive exfoliation will aggravate it. Regular light exfoliation done 2-3 times a week is more effective than 1 session using a heavy handed approach as this will traumatise your skin.
Exfoliating mitts are widely available and when used in conjunction with a light scrub prove to be a very effective combination. Apply moisturiser after exfoliating to help skin replenish.
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Is laser hair removal permanent?
The reduction you receive is permanent, but it is impossible to achieve 100% removal of every single follicle in a given area. Over the course of treatment your hair and the amount of it that you have will change dramatically - and we mean dramatically. What starts off as rough, coarse and thick hair will eventually become soft, thin and light hair. You will have areas where the hair has completely disappeared and some areas with sporadic light hairs remain. These hairs will be picked up on your subsequent top up treatments.
Top up laser hair removal treatments are recommended to keep these finer hairs away and are typically needed once or twice a year.
What factors will influence my laser hair removal results?
For the vast majority of people laser hair removal is an amazing and sometimes life changing treatment. Because genetically we are all so different this has a huge impact on the effectiveness of your treatment, there are a number of different factors that are listed below that will determine the level of final result you will receive and how many treatments it will take to get that result. (new bullet) Colour of your Skin
- Colour and diameter of your Hair
- Optimum Fluences (Energy levels)
- Optimum Treatment Intervals (Time between treatments)
- Underlying problems (new para) All of these areas are fully explained when having a consultation with our laser specialists.
Why do I need a consultation and patch test before starting laser hair removal treatment?
This is probably the most important part of your laser hair removal treatment, on consultation we check through your medical history, assess your skin and hair to ensure you are suitable and answer any questions you may have regarding treatment.
We want to make sure you have all the relevant information to allow you to make an informed decision that laser is right for you. After your consultation you should be equipped with all the knowledge you need to understand how laser works and the science behind it.
Your patch test is also vitally important as it allows us to test your skin for any sensitivity from the laser and also will ensure you are a suitable candidate for treatment. (new para) If you are putting your trust in us and investing in Laser we feel it’s only right that we invest the time to explain things fully and make sure all your questions are answered.
Ingrown Hairs
How do I get rid of ingrown hairs and do the red marks they leave fade away?
Light exfoliation should help but if you are prone to ingrown hairs it is worthwhile investing in a good product to help the skin chemically exfoliate (not meaning use of chemicals, but an active ingredient in the product) as opposed to mechanically (Scrubbing). This will also help the red marks to fade over time.
What should I do if I get ingrown hairs during laser hair removal treatment?
This usually happens if you have transferred from waxing to shaving, it takes a little while for your skin to adjust. It also happens when treated hairs are shedding and if you don’t exfoliate regularly enough these hairs will tend to get trapped in the skin. If you are prone to ingrown hairs you will normally see bumps appear about a week after a laser hair removal session these are nothing to worry about. It is however very important to use a product specifically designed to help with ingrown hairs and begin to exfoliate at this stage otherwise you will find more hairs becoming ingrown. It is important that you stop using these products a week before your session and recommence using them about a week after your session also. Light exfoliation methods are best to free any ingrown hairs and hydrating the skin afterwards is a must.
Medication and medical conditions
Can I take Ibuprofen before my session of laser hair removal?
Please do not take Ibuprofen for 48 hours before your laser hair removal session, this medication may cause bruising after laser for certain people.
Shaving, waxing & exfoliation during treatment
Can I shave in-between my laser hair removal sessions?
Absolutely, you can shave as much as you like while having laser treatment.
We recommend shaving the treatment area the night before treatment, not the day of because when you shave you slightly exfoliate and irritate the area so allow the extra time overnight for the skin to regenerate and make treatment more comfortable. Shaving the day of your treatment will cause your skin to feel more sensitive during your laser hair removal treatments and may limit the amount of energy we can use due to skin sensitivity.
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Can I wax after laser hair removal?
Yes, but if at all possible we would recommend continuing with laser on the area until you receive the level of reduction you are happy with, providing the remaining hairs still contain pigment. On treatment areas where there was originally a mix of light and dark hairs, laser will only target and treat the darker ones. Lighter hairs will remain and it is fine to wax these.
If you are undergoing a course of laser hair removal treatments please do not wax the area in between sessions as this will affect your results.
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Can I wax during my laser hair removal treatment?
No, shaving is the only method of hair removal recommended while having laser hair removal at our Dublin of Drogheda clinics. Waxing in between your sessions will affect hair growth patterns and affect results. Read More
How soon after laser hair removal can I exfoliate?
Depending on how sensitive your skin is after laser it is quiet safe to start lightly exfoliating about 3-4 days after your treatment, just be gentle for the first week or so. We really do recommend exfoliating in between your laser appointments to avoid ingrown hairs forming under the skin. Read More
Should I shave after my laser hair removal treatment?
You can shave the area after laser treatment but must leave it for a minimum of 48 hours after treatment before shaving the areas.
After your laser hair removal treatment, the hair may still appear to be “growing”. It may also appear darker and thicker in some areas such as bikini line. This is a natural process of laser hair removal and the hair is now in a shedding stage. It appears darker and thicker as it has been charred by the laser (this is good). It may take 10 -21 days for the hair to fall out of the follicle which will leave a noticeably smoother skin’s surface. During this time it is perfectly fine to shave the areas you have had treated and this along with regular exfoliation of the areas will assist in the hair shedding process.
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Why can’t I wax or pluck in-between my laser hair removal sessions?
When you wax or pluck, the hair is completely removed from the follicle in order for the laser to be effective hair follicles must have hair present so that they can be targeted. If you have waxed or plucked the treatment area you would have to wait 6-8 weeks for follicles to produce a new hair. Read More
Tanning, sun exposure and fake tan
Can I tan while having laser hair removal treatment?
No, tanning is not recommended while having laser hair removal. Tanning does have an impact on the amount of sessions needed and will impact on your results. This is more prevalent when you begin your treatments as it is important to have at least 6-8 treatments with a 6-8 week gap in-between.
When you tan and stimulate the melanin within the skin cells we would have wait at least 8-10 weeks before repeating a patch test. This long gap in-between sessions can see an increase in density and growth in the hair. And because we are missing growth cycles due to gap in treatments you may see growth cycles of hair coming through at the same time. This is normal and will be the reason why potentially more sessions may be needed.
Can I use fake tan while having laser hair removal treatment?
Yes, you can apply Fake Tan approximately 4-5 days after your session and use it in between each session. It is extremely important that you don’t use any tan for a week before your treatment and ensure that you are exfoliating your skin daily to remove any residue. If there is any residue on the skin we cannot perform your treatment until all tan is removed.
Can I use sun beds while having laser hair removal treatment?
No, using sunbeds is extremely dangerous while having laser hair removal treatments and must be avoided at all times. You will seriously damage your skin if you use sunbeds during the course of your treatments.
The Treatment Process
How long should I leave between each laser hair removal session?
Again this differs from person to person but on average a 4-6 week gap initially depending on the area being treated.
We would recommend every 4 weeks for the face for at least 6 sessions. This does depend on the rate of regrowth. After that we may extend the gaps in-between sessions to a 6-8 week interval or longer if necessary. We would recommend every 6 weeks on the body depending on the density of hair and regrowth pattern and again extend the gaps in-between sessions to a 8-10 week interval. Your treatment area will be continually assessed throughout your course of treatment and your therapist will recommend when you should return for your next session.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
The reduction you receive is permanent, but it is impossible to achieve 100% removal of every single follicle in a given area. Over the course of treatment your hair and the amount of it that you have will change dramatically - and we mean dramatically. What starts off as rough, coarse and thick hair will eventually become soft, thin and light hair. You will have areas where the hair has completely disappeared and some areas with sporadic light hairs remain. These hairs will be picked up on your subsequent top up treatments.
Top up laser hair removal treatments are recommended to keep these finer hairs away and are typically needed once or twice a year.
Why do I need a consultation and patch test before starting laser hair removal treatment?
This is probably the most important part of your laser hair removal treatment, on consultation we check through your medical history, assess your skin and hair to ensure you are suitable and answer any questions you may have regarding treatment.
We want to make sure you have all the relevant information to allow you to make an informed decision that laser is right for you. After your consultation you should be equipped with all the knowledge you need to understand how laser works and the science behind it.
Your patch test is also vitally important as it allows us to test your skin for any sensitivity from the laser and also will ensure you are a suitable candidate for treatment. (new para) If you are putting your trust in us and investing in Laser we feel it’s only right that we invest the time to explain things fully and make sure all your questions are answered.
Pre-Treatment FAQS
Here's a few things your can do to ensure the best results for you treatment.
- Comfort during treatment
- Getting the best results
- Ingrown Hairs
- Medication and medical conditions
- Shaving, waxing & exfoliation during treatment
- Tanning, sun exposure and fake tan
- The Treatment Process
Comfort during treatment
Can I exercise after laser hair removal sessions?
You should not perform any form of strenuous exercise after laser hair removal treatment for at least 24 hours. As laser works on the principle of using heat to destroy the hair follicles deep beneath the skin’s surface, an increase in the body’s natural temperature by exercising combined with sweat will cause an increase in irritation on the treatment area. This also applies to swimming where the chlorine in the water can cause irritation on the skin during the 24 hours after treatment. Read More
Do I have to cancel my laser hair removal session if I get my period?
Absolutely not, we would ask that you use a tampon if having your bikini area treated. You may be more sensitive but it is not necessary to cancel, it happens all the time and is not a problem. Read More
Getting the best results
Can Laser Hair Removal Work On Light Hair?
Laser hair removal will work on light hairs that contain dark pigment, laser has no effect on light hairs that are blond, red, grey or white in colour as they don’t contain enough pigment for the laser to absorb into. Read More
Do I need to avoid anything after my laser hair removal treatment?
Directly after any laser hair removal treatment your skin will be sensitive so please refrain from the following.
- Hot showers/baths, steam rooms, saunas, swimming pool and exercise for 24-48hrs
- Don’t exfoliate for 3-4 days and use light exfoliation methods (new bullet) Don’t use sun beds on the area or expose the area to direct sunlight at all while having laser
- Don’t use perfumed products or thick creams for 48hrs
- Don’t wear tight clothes like skinny jeans or nylon tights (if having your legs treated) for 48hrs as they will cause heat build up and friction on the area and may aggravate skin
- All of the above may cause skin to become irritated in the treated area, it is important that you follow these guidelines to ensure your skin safety.
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How do I exfoliate and how often during laser hair removal should I?
About 7 -10 days after your session the treated hair growth cycle will shed out of the follicle. We would recommend exfoliating using gentle to medium pressure on the skin as very rough and aggressive exfoliation will aggravate it. Regular light exfoliation done 2-3 times a week is more effective than 1 session using a heavy handed approach as this will traumatise your skin.
Exfoliating mitts are widely available and when used in conjunction with a light scrub prove to be a very effective combination. Apply moisturiser after exfoliating to help skin replenish.
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Is laser hair removal permanent?
The reduction you receive is permanent, but it is impossible to achieve 100% removal of every single follicle in a given area. Over the course of treatment your hair and the amount of it that you have will change dramatically - and we mean dramatically. What starts off as rough, coarse and thick hair will eventually become soft, thin and light hair. You will have areas where the hair has completely disappeared and some areas with sporadic light hairs remain. These hairs will be picked up on your subsequent top up treatments.
Top up laser hair removal treatments are recommended to keep these finer hairs away and are typically needed once or twice a year.
What factors will influence my laser hair removal results?
For the vast majority of people laser hair removal is an amazing and sometimes life changing treatment. Because genetically we are all so different this has a huge impact on the effectiveness of your treatment, there are a number of different factors that are listed below that will determine the level of final result you will receive and how many treatments it will take to get that result. (new bullet) Colour of your Skin
- Colour and diameter of your Hair
- Optimum Fluences (Energy levels)
- Optimum Treatment Intervals (Time between treatments)
- Underlying problems (new para) All of these areas are fully explained when having a consultation with our laser specialists.
Why do I need a consultation and patch test before starting laser hair removal treatment?
This is probably the most important part of your laser hair removal treatment, on consultation we check through your medical history, assess your skin and hair to ensure you are suitable and answer any questions you may have regarding treatment.
We want to make sure you have all the relevant information to allow you to make an informed decision that laser is right for you. After your consultation you should be equipped with all the knowledge you need to understand how laser works and the science behind it.
Your patch test is also vitally important as it allows us to test your skin for any sensitivity from the laser and also will ensure you are a suitable candidate for treatment. (new para) If you are putting your trust in us and investing in Laser we feel it’s only right that we invest the time to explain things fully and make sure all your questions are answered.
Ingrown Hairs
How do I get rid of ingrown hairs and do the red marks they leave fade away?
Light exfoliation should help but if you are prone to ingrown hairs it is worthwhile investing in a good product to help the skin chemically exfoliate (not meaning use of chemicals, but an active ingredient in the product) as opposed to mechanically (Scrubbing). This will also help the red marks to fade over time.
What should I do if I get ingrown hairs during laser hair removal treatment?
This usually happens if you have transferred from waxing to shaving, it takes a little while for your skin to adjust. It also happens when treated hairs are shedding and if you don’t exfoliate regularly enough these hairs will tend to get trapped in the skin. If you are prone to ingrown hairs you will normally see bumps appear about a week after a laser hair removal session these are nothing to worry about. It is however very important to use a product specifically designed to help with ingrown hairs and begin to exfoliate at this stage otherwise you will find more hairs becoming ingrown. It is important that you stop using these products a week before your session and recommence using them about a week after your session also. Light exfoliation methods are best to free any ingrown hairs and hydrating the skin afterwards is a must.
Medication and medical conditions
Can I take Ibuprofen before my session of laser hair removal?
Please do not take Ibuprofen for 48 hours before your laser hair removal session, this medication may cause bruising after laser for certain people.
Shaving, waxing & exfoliation during treatment
Can I shave in-between my laser hair removal sessions?
Absolutely, you can shave as much as you like while having laser treatment.
We recommend shaving the treatment area the night before treatment, not the day of because when you shave you slightly exfoliate and irritate the area so allow the extra time overnight for the skin to regenerate and make treatment more comfortable. Shaving the day of your treatment will cause your skin to feel more sensitive during your laser hair removal treatments and may limit the amount of energy we can use due to skin sensitivity.
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Can I wax after laser hair removal?
Yes, but if at all possible we would recommend continuing with laser on the area until you receive the level of reduction you are happy with, providing the remaining hairs still contain pigment. On treatment areas where there was originally a mix of light and dark hairs, laser will only target and treat the darker ones. Lighter hairs will remain and it is fine to wax these.
If you are undergoing a course of laser hair removal treatments please do not wax the area in between sessions as this will affect your results.
Read More
Can I wax during my laser hair removal treatment?
No, shaving is the only method of hair removal recommended while having laser hair removal at our Dublin of Drogheda clinics. Waxing in between your sessions will affect hair growth patterns and affect results. Read More
How soon after laser hair removal can I exfoliate?
Depending on how sensitive your skin is after laser it is quiet safe to start lightly exfoliating about 3-4 days after your treatment, just be gentle for the first week or so. We really do recommend exfoliating in between your laser appointments to avoid ingrown hairs forming under the skin. Read More
Should I shave after my laser hair removal treatment?
You can shave the area after laser treatment but must leave it for a minimum of 48 hours after treatment before shaving the areas.
After your laser hair removal treatment, the hair may still appear to be “growing”. It may also appear darker and thicker in some areas such as bikini line. This is a natural process of laser hair removal and the hair is now in a shedding stage. It appears darker and thicker as it has been charred by the laser (this is good). It may take 10 -21 days for the hair to fall out of the follicle which will leave a noticeably smoother skin’s surface. During this time it is perfectly fine to shave the areas you have had treated and this along with regular exfoliation of the areas will assist in the hair shedding process.
Read More
Why can’t I wax or pluck in-between my laser hair removal sessions?
When you wax or pluck, the hair is completely removed from the follicle in order for the laser to be effective hair follicles must have hair present so that they can be targeted. If you have waxed or plucked the treatment area you would have to wait 6-8 weeks for follicles to produce a new hair. Read More
Tanning, sun exposure and fake tan
Can I tan while having laser hair removal treatment?
No, tanning is not recommended while having laser hair removal. Tanning does have an impact on the amount of sessions needed and will impact on your results. This is more prevalent when you begin your treatments as it is important to have at least 6-8 treatments with a 6-8 week gap in-between.
When you tan and stimulate the melanin within the skin cells we would have wait at least 8-10 weeks before repeating a patch test. This long gap in-between sessions can see an increase in density and growth in the hair. And because we are missing growth cycles due to gap in treatments you may see growth cycles of hair coming through at the same time. This is normal and will be the reason why potentially more sessions may be needed.
Can I use fake tan while having laser hair removal treatment?
Yes, you can apply Fake Tan approximately 4-5 days after your session and use it in between each session. It is extremely important that you don’t use any tan for a week before your treatment and ensure that you are exfoliating your skin daily to remove any residue. If there is any residue on the skin we cannot perform your treatment until all tan is removed.
Can I use sun beds while having laser hair removal treatment?
No, using sunbeds is extremely dangerous while having laser hair removal treatments and must be avoided at all times. You will seriously damage your skin if you use sunbeds during the course of your treatments.
The Treatment Process
How long should I leave between each laser hair removal session?
Again this differs from person to person but on average a 4-6 week gap initially depending on the area being treated.
We would recommend every 4 weeks for the face for at least 6 sessions. This does depend on the rate of regrowth. After that we may extend the gaps in-between sessions to a 6-8 week interval or longer if necessary. We would recommend every 6 weeks on the body depending on the density of hair and regrowth pattern and again extend the gaps in-between sessions to a 8-10 week interval. Your treatment area will be continually assessed throughout your course of treatment and your therapist will recommend when you should return for your next session.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
The reduction you receive is permanent, but it is impossible to achieve 100% removal of every single follicle in a given area. Over the course of treatment your hair and the amount of it that you have will change dramatically - and we mean dramatically. What starts off as rough, coarse and thick hair will eventually become soft, thin and light hair. You will have areas where the hair has completely disappeared and some areas with sporadic light hairs remain. These hairs will be picked up on your subsequent top up treatments.
Top up laser hair removal treatments are recommended to keep these finer hairs away and are typically needed once or twice a year.
Why do I need a consultation and patch test before starting laser hair removal treatment?
This is probably the most important part of your laser hair removal treatment, on consultation we check through your medical history, assess your skin and hair to ensure you are suitable and answer any questions you may have regarding treatment.
We want to make sure you have all the relevant information to allow you to make an informed decision that laser is right for you. After your consultation you should be equipped with all the knowledge you need to understand how laser works and the science behind it.
Your patch test is also vitally important as it allows us to test your skin for any sensitivity from the laser and also will ensure you are a suitable candidate for treatment. (new para) If you are putting your trust in us and investing in Laser we feel it’s only right that we invest the time to explain things fully and make sure all your questions are answered.
9th January 2023
What is the success rate of laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal has a very high success rate. The majority of people will...
7th August 2021
Does laser hair removal hurt?
Laser hair removal should not hurt you during treatment. It is common for some...
26th July 2021
What is the difference between an IPL and laser?
There are a number of differences between IPL (Intense pulsed light) and laser....